We are always on the lookout for reliable partners who can supply us with high-quality coltan ore. In order to consider a cooperation, we would ask you to provide us with detailed information about your offer. We are particularly interested in the following points:
Availability of high-quality coltan
Can you offer us high-quality coltan ore?
Quality of the coltan ore
What is the quality of the coltan you can offer us? Please
provide specific details such as the tantalum and niobium
Possible delivery quantities
What monthly quantities can you reliably supply us with?
Price offer
What price can you offer us? Please state this in CIF China
(Cost, Insurance, and Freight).
Terms of delivery
Please provide us with a quotation with all relevant
information on delivery and payment terms.
Send us your detailed offer by e-mail to info@s-s-f.ch
We look forward to your feedback and hope for a successful cooperation.